Version 1.7.0 Released

It has been a while since scrm 1.6.1 was released. We finally released the new version 1.7.0 today. It brings the ‘–transpose-segsites’ command line flag which prints the segregating sites with rows repesenting mutations instead of individuals and contains some additional information about the mutations.

Full Changelog:

New Features

  • New command line option “–transpose-segsites” that prints the segregating sites matrix with rows repesenting mutations instead of individuals. This also adds the time at which the mutation occurred as additional information (#85).


  • scrm now throws an error when mutation or recombination rate changes have invalid sequence positions (#82).
  • The length of segments between recombinations is now always reported in non-scientific notation (#81).
  • Improved the error message when lines could not coalescence because of missing migration or negative population growth (#87).

Bug Fixes

  • Forest.coalescence_finished has not set to true after a pairwise coalescence event (#89). This had no effect on the command line version of scrm.
  • Fixes scrm’s tests suite on 32 bit systems (#98).

Published: February 07 2016